Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Arthritis is one of the biggest chronic health problems in America today.  With almost 46 million Americans diagnosed with arthritis in 2006, it is a disability that can affect even everyday activities such as walking, opening jars, picking up items, and even combing ones hair.  Some of the main factors that can cause arthritis are age, weight, genetics, previous injury and infection. 

As many people may not know, there are over one hundred different types of arthritis.  Some of the most common types that affect America today are:

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and occurs when the cartilage covering the bones deteriorates, causing bone to rub against bone.  This can cause both major pain and difficulty moving. 
Rheumatoid Arthritis affects mostly women and is affected by the autoimmune system.  With rheumatoid arthritis, the joint linings become inflamed rather than deteriorate.  This type of arthritis can be the most disabling and is also very painful.  Another form that affects mostly women is fibromyalgia.  Fibromyalgia occurs mostly in the neck, shoulders and hips and can cause loss of sleep and fatigue. 
The arthritis that affects men the most is gout.  Gout affects smaller areas of the body but can be controlled with medication usually.  Gout affects small joints such as the big toe mainly. 
Exercising regularly and making certain lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight and keeping stress levels down can help prevent and/or reduce arthritis. 

Do you or someone you know suffer from arthritis? Are you interested in natural ways to help treat arthritis? If so, feel free to call us for a FREE consultation and more information at 404.396.2224.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Event Pictures

Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run/Walk & Fitness Program

Perimeter Spine & Rehabilitation Center Booth

 Huge turnout!



Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Sciatica is when compression or irritation of one or both sciatic nerves causes pain.  This pain can be experienced in a number of places including the buttocks, the leg, the foot and the lower back.  Mostly, the pain felt in these areas only occurs on one side of the body at a time.  Although many people assume that sciatica is a diagnosis, it is actually just a set of symptoms for what is irritating the nerve and causing the pain. 

Some of the most common causes of sciatica are:
·      Piriformis Syndrome
·      A bulging or herniated disc
·      Lumbar spinal stenosis
·      Spondylolisthesis
Piriformis Syndrome is one of the main causes of sciatica.  This syndrome occurs when the piriformis muscle places pressure on the sciatic nerve.  The pressure is caused by muscle imbalances that pull the pelvis and hip joints out of place. 

When a disc protrudes out between the vertebrae, this causes a herniated disc, causing pressure on the sciatic nerve.  There are many ways a disc can become herniated including injury to the back, aging, or uneven pressure to the disc. 

Spinal Stenosis is when the narrowing of the spinal canal puts pressure on the sciatic nerve.  Some causes of this include aging, fluorosis, heredity and trauma. 

Spondylolisthesis is probably the least common cause of sciatica.  This occurs when pressure is put on the adjacent vertebrae when another slips forward.  With spondylolisthesis, some people may experience sciatica or lower back pain and some people may not. 

There are natural ways to deal with sciatica.  If you, or someone that you know is suffering from sciatica, feel free to call us for a FREE CONSULTATION and more information.  404.396.2224