Sunday, August 29, 2010

Trigger Points & Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger points are sensitive areas of muscle that can occur in small knots in certain areas of the body.  These knots are usually very tender to the touch.  They can also cause muscle spasms or limited movement in the joints.  There are many different kinds of trigger points.

  • Active Trigger Points are actively causing pain in the area of the point or referring the pain to another area of the body.
  • Latent Trigger Points exist, but do not cause pain unless pressure is put on the point. 
  • Key Trigger Points can be tender to the touch as well.  They cause and perpetuate other trigger points such as Satellite Trigger Points.
  • Satellite Trigger Points are made active by key trigger points and can usually be resolved by treating the Key Trigger Point that has activated it. 

Some things that could cause trigger points to arise are poor posture, an injury/accident or even trauma from birth. 

Trigger Point Therapy is the technique of using pressure to relieve muscle pain. 
Our patients get excellent results with our Trigger Point Injection Treatments.  Trigger Point Therapy takes just a few minutes, and is performed by our Medical Doctor.

The medicine we use in Trigger Point Therapy is a plant based, non-toxic, biological anti-inflammatory medicine called SARAPIN.  SARAPIN is an alternative to corticosteroids and cortisone injections, in that it does not damage or weaken cartilage, bones or tendons.

Patients receiving this therapy are amazed at the results.  If you suffer with Trigger Points, call us today to see if you are a candidate for this treatment. 404-396-2224

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a nerve compression disorder of the upper extremity that affects over 8 million people in the United States. It affects the wrist and hands of many people, primarily at night.  More severe cases can lead to loss of time at work and limited mobility in the wrist and hand.   According to the National Center for Health Statistics, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the leading causes for work related absences.  Carpal Tunnel can have many causes.  Some causes of Carpal Tunnel are too much pressure on the wrist, rheumatoid arthritis, overuse or misuse of powerful tools, excessive stress at work and swelling of the wrist.  Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is three times more likely to affect woman than men.  This is because the actual carpal tunnel in woman are usually smaller than in men.

Some symptoms of Carpal Tunnel may include:

  • Burning, tingling and itching in the palm of the hand and fingers
  • Numbness and swelling of the fingers
  • Decreased strength in grip 
  • Difficulty making a fist and decreased strength
  • In more severe cases, the ability to tell the difference between hot and cold may be altered
  • Although many people believe that it is, writer's cramp is not a symptom of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  

If you, or someone you know, has Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or is affected by some of these symptoms, there are many natural ways to treat it.  Please feel free to call our office to schedule a free initial consultation.  404-396-2224

In Great Health, 
Perimeter Spine and Rehabilitation Center

About Us

Perimeter Spine & Rehabilitation offers a multi-specialty team providing you with a non-surgical approach to your pain and injury.  We are committed to providing the highest quality of health services to help restore your health and well-being.  It is our purpose to help as many people as possible through natural healthcare.  We do this by only accepting those people we know we can help, and focusing on correcting the cause of the condition, as opposed to only treating the symptoms.
Because we only accept those patients we know we can help, we offer a very thorough Health History and Examination after your initial consultation.  Our specialist will perform a medical examination, orthopedic examination, neurological examination, physical performance examination, and trigger point examination, followed by an initial report of findings.  The next step would be to take any imaging that the Doctors request.  The Doctors will then meet to discuss your individual case in a team conference.  Patients will then return for their comprehensive Diagnosis and Report of Findings.  Our TEAM approach allows us to come up with appropriate diagnostic and treatment protocols for you specific condition.
Some of the conditions we specialize in are neck and back pain, headaches & migraines, disc problems, sciatica, joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness & tingling in extremities, ankle & foot pain, shoulder, elbow and wrist pain, knee pain, chronic and radiating pain, arthritis, sports injuries, auto accident injuries, weight loss and nutrition.
Call today for your FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION to determine if we can help you end your pain! 404-396-2224